The Illinois House of Representatives will reconvene today Tuesday, February 6. You may watch the session live here.
On this day 113 years ago, President Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois. Happy birthday, President Reagan!
Black History Month is a time to recognize the history, culture, and achievements of African Americans. This month-long celebration has been observed since 1976. The 2024 theme for Black History…
Last week we were scheduled to be in Springfield for the legislative session Tuesday through Thursday, but Thursday was canceled and there was very little done on Tuesday and Wednesday….
Today is National Wear Red Day. Be sure to wear red in an effort to bring awareness to heart disease in women and support women’s heart health.
State Representative Charlie Meier (R-Okawville) teamed up with lawmakers from the House and Senate, along with the Illinois Farm Bureau on Wednesday to discuss the Family Farm Preservation Act. According…
Happy Freedom Day! On February 1st, 1865, Illinois became the first state in the union to ratify the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States.
According to State Representative Charlie Meier, “The estate tax has devastated family farms for decades as these farms are often sold to pay the inheritance tax. Improving estate tax exemptions…
The Illinois Department of Revenue will begin accepting 2023 state individual income tax returns on Monday, January 29. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) also begins accepting federal income tax returns on this date. For…
As the tangled web of Democrats’ corruption continues to unwind over and over in federal court, Illinois House Republicans have renewed calls for needed ethics reforms. The list of convictions continues to…