State Rep. Charlie Meier Defends Manufacturers, Property Owners Threatened by SB 1289

SPRINGFIELD, IL – During the final days of the spring legislative Session, the Illinois General Assembly passed Senate Bill 1289, known as the Safety and Aid for the Environment in Carbon Capture and Sequestration Act (SAFE CCS Act). The bill creates several new regulations regarding the capture, transport, and sequestration of carbon emissions in the state of Illinois. State Representative Charlie Meier (R-Okawville), member of the House Energy & Environment Committee, expressed his disapproval towards several provisions within the bill, especially the eminent domain-like system it permits to establish underground carbon storage facilities.

“The main emphasis of the bill, and my opposition toward it, is the use of eminent domain in order to put these underground storage sites in place against the wishes of landowners, he said. “In this bill, a carbon sequestration operator needs permission from owners of only 75% of the land above the proposed sequestration facility. What about the other 25% of the landowners above these facilities? Is their right to say how their private property is used forfeited if their neighbors say so? These landowners deserve the same rights and payments as the 75% who authorize the use of their property. Private property rights are the backbone of our American system of ownership and freedom. I will continue to fight for the landowners in my district whose homes, farms, and private property are threatened by this legislation.”

Several House Republicans, including Rep. Meier, have also noted that the regulations and fees contained within the bill’s provisions are far from “business-friendly,” and could force manufacturers to take their operations out of state. The carbon sequestration fees proposed within the bill sit at $0.31 per ton. If a CCS project does not operate under a project labor agreement, the fees incurred for carbon sequestration in Illinois could be as high as $0.62 per ton, a steep price that many legislators have noted is not reflected in neighboring states.

“We, as a state, are falling behind when it comes to carbon capture and storage,” said Rep. Meier. “As a manufacturer in Illinois, you have more permits to apply for, more rules to follow, and fees on carbon that are four times higher than our neighboring states. There is no doubt in my mind these harsh fees will end up driving Illinois manufacturers elsewhere to states that do not have burdensome regulations and fees. But, that’s just what we do here in Illinois. We impose harsh regulations against our business and then increase the price to operate here compared to neighboring states.”

SB 1289 passed the House of Representatives on Saturday with a vote of 078-029-000 and was concurred in the Senate. It now heads to Governor Pritzker’s desk where it will await his signature.


State Representative Charlie Meier represents the 109th District which includes portions of Bond, Clinton, Madison, St. Clair, and Washington counties. For more information, please visit or contact Rep. Meier’s district office at 618-651-0405