Rep. Meier: Repeal the TRUST Act!

State Representative Charlie Meier has reaffirmed his stance against HB3882, a law allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses in Illinois, which recently went into effect on July 1. Representative Meier reiterated his reasons for voting against this legislation in Springfield.

“I voted against HB3882 because I believe it sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the integrity of our country’s immigration laws,” said Meier.

This is the latest in a long line of legislation that prioritizes illegal immigrants over Illinois citizens. The FY 2025 budget provided premium healthcare benefits for illegal immigrants, with taxpayers spending more than $1 billion for non-citizens.

“The State of Illinois gives undocumented immigrants free healthcare benefits, housing assistance, drivers licenses, and other taxpayer-funded benefits. Illinois taxpayers cannot continue to shoulder this financial burden of free benefits, especially at a time when costs for our own citizens continue to skyrocket,” said Meier.

“The TRUST Act has got to go,” Meier continued. “Over 628,000 undocumented illegal immigrants live in Illinois right now. At a time when Illinoisans are begging for tax relief, the Illinois Democrats raised taxes on you to cover the costs for illegal immigrants.”

The TRUST Act prevents law enforcement agencies from cooperating with federal immigration authorities, stopping any detention or deportations. Citizens can sign a petition to repeal the TRUST Act at